
An Inspiring Book for Cancer Patients and Survivors

25 Years and Counting Cancer Free©

Live and Thrive Beyond Breast Cancer

An Inspiring Book for Cancer Patients and Survivors

It’s Cancer, now what do I do….

If you are reading this page you or someone you love has breast cancer, I am so sorry. I know this is so frightening! But you can do this, I know you can. You are a woman of strength; you are a warrior. And when you need a pep talk, look me up on YouTube and I will be there to give you one, because we are all in this together.

I am not just Karen Campbell, cancer survivor. I am Karen Campbell, and I am a cancer warrior. I did not just survive cancer, I took it out of my life. I took the control back from cancer and you can too. The way I battled cancer was with knowledge; the more you know, the better you can fight the enemy. Yes, this is a battle, and we will fight the enemy together.

The first thing you need is a strong army on your side. When you feel frightened, look on the Facebook pages “25yearsandcountingcancer free” or “Telluswhywere dying” and ask your cancer sisters for strength. These are pages where you will find strength, not sorrow. These pages will be used to lift each other up and help us navigate through the fear TOGETHER. We together KNOW you can beat it.

This is a place to read the stories of how you, paired with knowledge, can choose a path that is right for you, without judgement. When I was fighting cancer, everyone had an opinion on what I should do to win the battle. Others tried to promote fear with questions like, “Aren’t you scared you are going to die.” But in your strength, you can answer both questions easily, responding with statements such as, “I have a plan I am working on to fight cancer” and “It does NOT own me.”

Repeat After Me:

I am not just standing by and letting cancer win, for with the strength of others who have won this battle, I will do all I can to learn what I need to win.

Why my book, how will it help you?

I know you are on my web site because you or someone you love has breast cancer. You are seeking knowledge on what you can do to help yourself or someone you love.

You are the reason I wrote this book.

Why? Because you have the right to know how to fight against breast cancer. 25 years is a long time to go without any relapse of breast cancer. I thought I knew all I needed to know to fight this disease and win. I had managed holistic centers for 20 years, ate organic, took supplements… Because of this, many people asked me to write a book about my personal experience, and how I’ve remained cancer free. As I started my quest to see all the changes made since I had breast cancer, what I found shocked me, and made me want to tell all that will listen. Despite maintaining an herb regime and healthy diet, I did not know that a lot of what I was doing in my everyday life would increase my chances of getting breast cancer again. I was never told about body weight, stress, and sugar, and how these things drastically increase your chance of getting cancer, or relapsing. With every area I studied, I realized that I unknowingly was raising my chance of getting breast cancer again. As I continued to study, the longer the list became of potential causes and negative influences. I grew upset, and noticed that the more I shared this information with others, the more they desperately wanted to know. This book was written to give you facts, studies, and the support necessary to give you a start on taking your life back; not just sit there powerless, but to gain knowledge, and fight for your right to live.

25 Years and Counting Cancer Free©

Why is this map so important? What exactly does it mean? It means unity between the sisters who have had breast cancer invade their lives. We will be the voice for the ones who cannot speak for themselves. This map shows sisters across the country who are ready to stand and be heard.

“If only 25% of breast cancer is genetic then what in the environment is giving 75% of us breast cancer.” ®

It is our lives, and we have the right to know why we are dealing with this deadly disease. We have a right to know how our bodies were attacked and by what, so we can defend ourselves against this deadly disease. This map will be on Facebook, as well as updated on my other website This map will display the movement as it grows, highlighting where the word has been heard, and unifying the sisters that have joined the fight.

Buy a t-shirt on, and post on our Facebook page a picture of you wearing it and what state you live in to get yourself on the map. Next make sure to sign the petition and copy and paste it on your social media. Tell all who will listen about the movement. For every signature is a representation that we will not stand by and not know what is giving us breast cancer.

Follow me on TikTok, and post a comment on my videos telling me what state you live in to represent the national spread of our cause.

Please repost on all of your social media platforms about the cause. I am only one voice, and without you, there will not be an answer as to why we are getting breast cancer. Without you, we will continue to be taught that there is nothing we can do, and the true answer will never be known.

About the author:

IN AUGUST 1994 AT THE AGE OF 35, Karen Campbell faced breast cancer with adversity all around her. She had to fight doctors, insurance companies, and family to get what she wanted. Why? Because Karen decided to do the opposite of what the normal protocol for breast cancer treatment was in the 1990s. She had watched her sister, mother, and so many of her friends and colleagues fight the cancer battle, and lose. But her fight saved her life, and she knew she had to share her story.

Karen had managed holistic centers all over the country for more than 20 years, and thankfully that knowledge paid off. She had watched the body heal itself for decades. She knew there must be a better way to help the body battle breast cancer—and she was right. Her doctors warned her that she was putting her life at risk, though 25 years later, she has proved them wrong.

As Karen began to tell the cancer community how she stayed cancer-free for more than 25 years, daily requests were made, demanding that she write a book to make it easier for them to follow.

Karen began her quest researching the internet in 2015 for the latest findings to add to her chapters, and support what she had personally done in the 1990s. What she found throughout her search were studies that were cryptic; reluctant to explain what in the environment was thought to cause breast cancer. Despite this, she was able to uncover research and facts that helped one’s chances of not getting breast cancer again. She wondered why this information was not told to her, her sister, and other family members—along with countless other breast cancer survivors—findings that could have helped them to better their chances of staying cancer-free?

Karen Campbell

After taking five years to write this book -using her vacation days and weekends- Karen’s hope is to provide the breast cancer community with some understanding as to why we need to stand together to find the truth of what is causing breast cancer. Breast cancer is not just genetic, and it is crucial that we find what in the environment that is giving us all cancer. Stand with Karen as you read all she has found. Join her voice to find the real truth to save the women we love.

If only 25% of breast cancer is genetic then what in the environment is giving 75% of us cancer? ®
Join the cause, sign the petition “”